Software Systems Seminar, Summer 2007

Prof. Kirsch, Department of Computer Sciences, University of Salzburg

Time, Location: Tue 3-4 in T04, Techno-Z and Th 10-12 in T06, Techno-Z. First lecture is on Th, March 8, 2007. Check schedule for updates.

Brief Overview: What is the latest trend in operating system design? Is a virtual machine an efficient concept to multiplex hardware? How does a high-performance web server work? Is a multi-threading or an event-dispatching operating system or even a hybrid of the two the way to go? Why is real-time programming so difficult? Is synchronous reactive programming or traditional real-time scheduling the right model? If you are interested in these and other systems-related questions, sign up for the software systems seminar. The seminar provides a unique opportunity to meet other students and discuss hot topics in systems research. Pick a research paper (or problem) provided in class (or propose some other recent paper), read and understand it, and then share your experience with the group.

Goals of the seminar: Learn how to read, understand, and present top research papers and their context.

Prerequisites: Background in basic programming language and operating system concepts.

Requirements: Each student selects a research paper (or problem), writes a 5-7 page survey of its research context, gives a 45min presentation on the paper, and uploads presentation and survey to the seminar wiki. Seminar language is English.


Thomas Aschauer (thomas.aschauer at cs uni-salzburg at): K42: Building a Complete Operating System, by Oran Krieger, Marc Auslander, Bryan Rosenburg, Robert W. Wisniewski, Jimi Xenidis, Dilma Da Silva, Michal Ostrowski, Jonathan Appavoo, Maria Butrico, Mark Mergen, Amos Waterland, Volkmar Uhlig. EUROSYS 2006. Presentation and survey.

Dayton Bishop (dsbishop at gmx dot de): Scheduling Mutithreaded Computations by Work Stealing , by Robert D Blumofe and Charles E. Leiserson, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science, Journal of the ACM (JACM), Volume 46 , Issue 5 (September 1999). Presentation and Survey

Silviu Craciunas (scraciunas at cs uni-salzburg at): Anomalous system call detection, by Darren Mutz, Fredrik Valeur, Giovanni Vigna, Christopher Kruegel. ACM Transactions on Information and System Security (TISSEC), Volume 9 , Issue 1 (February 2006). Presentation and Survey

Gerd Dauenhauer (gerd.dauenhauer at cs uni-salzburg at): Idletime Scheduling with Preemption Intervals, by Lars Eggert, Joseph D. Touch. SOSP 2005. Presentation and survey

Patricia Derler (patricia.derler at cs uni-salzburg at): Reo: a channel-based coordination model for component composition, by Farhad Arbab. MSCS 14(3), 2004. Presentation and Survey

Andreas Loecker (aloecker at cosy sbg ac at): Localization via Ultra-Wideband Radios, by Sinan Gezici, Zhi Tian, Georgios B. Biannakis, Hisashi Kobayashi, Andreas F. Molisch, H. Vincent Poor, Zafer Sahinoglu, TR 2005-072 December 2005, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, A look at positioning aspects of future sensor networks

Andreas Naderlinger (andreas.naderlinger at cs uni-salzburg at): Balancing Power Consumption in Multiprocessor Systems, by A. Merkel, F. Bellosa. EUROSYS 2006. Presentation and Survey

Hannes Payer (hpayer at cosy sbg ac at): A Compacting Real-Time Memory Management System Presentation and survey.

Dietmar Planitzer (dplanitz at cosy sbg ac at): Rethink the Sync, by Edmund B. Nightingale, Kaushik Veeraraghavan, Peter M. Chen, Jason Flinn. OSDI 2006. Preferred schedule: late June.

Johannes Pletzer (johannes.pletzer at cs uni-salzburg at): Rx: treating bugs as allergies - a safe method to survive software failures, by Feng Qin, Joseph Tucek, Jagadeesan Sundaresan, Yuanyuan Zhou. SOSP 2005. Presentation and Survey.

Harald Röck (harald.roeck at cs uni-salzburg at): JIT Instrumentation - A Novel Approach to Dynamically Instrument Operating Systems. Marek Olszewski, Keir Mierle, Adam Czajkowski, and Angela Demke Brown EUROSYS 2007. Presentation and survey

Thomas Soboll (tsoboll at cosy sbg ac at): On a General Notion of Transformation for Multiagent Systems.
Abstract: Based on former work on the categorical modeling of MAS the category MAS of all Multiagent Systems is introduced. A transformation system over this category is established, using the Double Pushout Approach. For illustration a simple example is presented. Presentation and survey.

Robert Staudinger (rstaudinger at cs uni-salzburg at): A Brief History of Process Algebra, by Jos C.M. Baeten. TCS 335, 2005. sws-presentation.pdf, rstaudinger-survey.pdf.

Rainer Trummer (rainer.trummer at cs uni-salzburg at): The Burden of Autonomous Quadrotor Control.
Abstract: Flying a quadrotor helicopter requires at least a means for stabilization control. Although efficiently stabilizing a quadrotor is itself an extensive research field, adding autonomous control poses even more challenging problems: the underlying software system must be able to handle several sensors running at different frequencies, implement multi-mode frequency-correct controllers, and provide sufficient real-time capabilities in order to meet hard deadlines. Presentation and survey.

Michael Wallner (michael.wallner at badsoft net): A Comparison of Software and Hardware Techniques for x86 Virtualization, by Keith Adams, Ole Agesen, ASPLOS, 2006. Presentation and survey.

Potential Papers:

  1. A Hierarchical Coordination Language for Interacting Real-Time Tasks, by Arkadeb Ghosal, Christoph M. Kirsch, Thomas A. Henzinger, Daniel Iercan, Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli. EMSOFT 2006.

  2. Composable Code Generation for Distributed Giotto, by Thomas A. Henzinger, Christoph M. Kirsch, Slobodan Matic. LCTES 2005.

  3. K42: Building a Complete Operating System, by Oran Krieger, Marc Auslander, Bryan Rosenburg, Robert W. Wisniewski, Jimi Xenidis, Dilma Da Silva, Michal Ostrowski, Jonathan Appavoo, Maria Butrico, Mark Mergen, Amos Waterland, Volkmar Uhlig. EUROSYS 2006.

  4. Rx: treating bugs as allergies - a safe method to survive software failures, by Feng Qin, Joseph Tucek, Jagadeesan Sundaresan, Yuanyuan Zhou. SOSP 2005.

  5. Idletime Scheduling with Preemption Intervals, by Lars Eggert, Joseph D. Touch. SOSP 2005.

  6. Rethink the Sync, by Edmund B. Nightingale, Kaushik Veeraraghavan, Peter M. Chen, Jason Flinn. OSDI 2006.

  7. An Interface Algebra for Real-time Components, by Thomas A. Henzinger, Slobodan Matic. RTAS 2006.

  8. An Interface Algebra for Real-Time Process Graphs, by Thomas A. Henzinger, Slobodan Matic. Presented at FACBD 2006, preprint.

  9. Termination Proofs for System Code, by Byron Cook, Andreas Podelski, Andrey Rybalchenko. PLDI 2006.

  10. Incremental Schedulability Analysis of Hierarchical Real-Time Components, by Arvind Easwaran, Insik Shin, Oleg Sokolsky, Insup Lee. EMSOFT 2006.

  11. Real-Time Interfaces for Composing Real-Time Systems, by Lothar Thiele, Ernesto Wandeler, Nikolay Stoimenov. EMSOFT 2006.

  12. Universal coalgebra: a theory of systems by Jan J. M. M. Rutten. TCS 249(1) 2000.

  13. A Calculus of Mobile Processes Pt.1, by R. Milner, J. Parrow and D. Walker. Information and Computation 100(1), 1992.

  14. Reo: a channel-based coordination model for component composition, by Farhad Arbab. MSCS 14(3), 2004.

  15. A hierarchy of probabilistic system types, by Falk Bartels, Ana Sokolova, Erik de Vink. TCS 327, 2004.

  16. A Brief History of Process Algebra, by Jos C.M. Baeten. TCS 335, 2005.

Technical contact: Ana . Sokolova @ cs . uni-salzburg . at
Administrative contact: Petra . Kirchweger @ cs . uni-salzburg . at